Munch – Torments of the soul



The work is a visual metaphor of the unceasing flow
of thoughts that crowd the human mind, expressing the chaos and anguish of

Munch – Torments of the soul

This room is dominated by a vertical structure sculpted in high relief consisting of
curved lines and deep cavities. The wall-sculpture comes to life through a play of lights and shadows
that captures the essence of our fears, transforming them into moving images that
evoke some iconic works by Munch.
Albeit in its apparent staticity, this work is constantly changing, thus reflecting the
soul’s eternal struggle against its inner demons.
Dark and deep, the cavities represent the black holes in the unconscious, where
the most intimate and unconfessable fears reside. The curved lines entwined in
perpetual motion on the surface symbolize the tortured thoughts that afflict
the individual.

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